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मेरो बुझाईमा भूकम्प

मेरो बुझाईमा भूकम्प: म कुनै भूकम्पविद पनि होइन र भूकम्पबारे जानकार राख्ने व्यक्ति पनि होइन तर मेरो आफ्नो अध्यायन, पत्र पत्रिका, विज्ञहरूको अन्तर्वाता तथा अनुभवको आधारमा यो लेख वा अवधारणा तयार पारेको छु ।यो लेख सुद्ध सूचनाको लागी मात्र हो, यसलाइ अतिरञ्जित नबनाइयोस भन्ने म चाहन्छु । यसमा पृय पाठकवर्गहरूबाट प्राप्त हुने सहमति वा असहति, सकारात्मक वा नकारात्मक प्रतिकृयाहरूलाइ पूर्ण समर्थन गर्छु भूकम्प के हो ? भूकम्प पृथ् [...]

Quick Review on Veterinary Surgery

TERMINOLOGY Luxations: Luxations involve loss of integrity to one or more joint ligaments as well as damage to other joint structures such as the fibrous joint capsule and surrounding tendons. Sprain: A sprain may defined as the stretching or tearing of supporting ligament of joint by forced movement beyond its normal range Fracture: A fracture is a breach/ break/ dissolution in the continuity of a hard tissue like bone and [...]

Quick Review on Veterinary Gynecology

TERMINOLOGY Colostrum: is the first milk produced after birth Dystocia: difficult calving Freemartin: Sterile female born twin with a bull. About 93% of females born twin with a bull are sterile. Registration of such a heifer is withheld until proof of fertility is established. Gestation: Period from conception to birth of offspring; pregnancy. Average length of gestation for dairy cattle is approximately 280 days [...]

Quick Review on Veterinary Pharmacology

TERMINOLOGY Agonist: Drug that has affinity for receptor to and stimulates the receptor to action. Amnesia: Partial/complete loss of memory Anaphrodisiaces: decreased sexual desire Antizymotic: Agent that control fermentation Bioavailability: The percent of dose entering the systemic circulation after administration of a given dosage form. Biotransformation: It is the body’s ability to change a drug chemic [...]

Quick Review on Poultry Management

TERMINOLOGY Antibody: A protein molecule capable of combining specifically with an antigen. Antigen: A substance foreign to the host animal, commonly a disease agent or vaccine. Bantam - Mini version of the larger breeds, being approximately one quarter the size. Battery Hen - female bird housed in intensive egg production unit. Broiler - Young (normally eight weeks old) male or female birds weighing 3 to 3.5lbs [...]

Quick Review on Veterinary Microbiology

TERMINOLOGY A disinfectant: It is used to destroy micro-organisms off of any surface usually used in living tissue Aero tolerant anaerobes:  Ignore oxygen, grow equally well with or without An antiseptic: It is used to destroy micro-organisms off of the skin usually used on non-living things which are also much stronger and are too toxic to be used on living tissue Facultative anaerobes: grow with or without oxyg [...]

Quick Review on Livestock Management

ZOOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION Hierarchy of taxonomy: The system of classification by Linnaeus (1707-1798), a Swedish botanist Kingdom: Animalia,     Phylum: Chordata (with back bone or spinal cord) Class:  Mammalia (Worm blooded, hairy animal, suckle milk for their babies) Sub-class: Eutheria (Female possess placenta),  Order: Ungulata (Hoofed animal) Sub order- 1. [...]

Quick Review in Veterinary Epidemiology

TERMINOLOGY Attack rate: A variant of an incident rate, applied to a narrowly defined population observed for a limited period of time, such as during an epidemic. Carrier: A person or animal without apparent disease who harbors a specific infectious agent and is capable of transmitting the agent to others. Crude mortality rate: The mortality rate from all causes of death for a population. Cumulative frequency cu [...]

Quick Review on Biochemistry

Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes in living organisms. It deals with the structures and functions of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other bio-molecules SOME CONCEPT ON BIOCHEMISTRY The most abundant molecule in the cell is Water (H2O). Roughly 70% of a cell consists of water. Inorganic molecules in the cell are: Sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium chloride ( [...]

Quick Review on Veterinary Physiology

FORMATION OF THREE GERM LAYERS All the embryonic germ layers originate from the epiblast, which divides into the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm by a process called gastrulation. Christian Heinrich Pander (1794-1865) first identified this three layered organization in the blastoderm of embryonic chicks. In the process of gastrulation, a primitive streak first appears on the dorsal surface of the epiblast. As cells mov [...]

Quick Review on Veterinary Anatomy

TERMINOLOGY Acetabulum is present in pelvic girdle Aponeurosis is fusion of muscle with muscle (May with bone sometimes) Appendicular means bone of limbs Axial skeleton means Bones of skull, vertiveral column, and ribs and sternum Bulbus glandis is present in the penis of dog Caudal indicates the structure being described is closer to the tail Clavicle is absent in cattl [...]

Showing 169 to 180 of 200 (17 Pages)

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