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Quick Review on Veterinary Gynecology

TERMINOLOGY Colostrum: is the first milk produced after birth Dystocia: difficult calving Freemartin: Sterile female born twin with a bull. About 93% of females born twin with a bull are sterile. Registration of such a heifer is withheld until proof of fertility is established. Gestation: Period from conception to birth of offspring; pregnancy. Average length of gestation for dairy cattle is approximately 280 days Impotence: is the inability to mate Impotentia coeundi: is reduced to complete lack of sexual desire Impotentia generandi: is incapacity or reduced capacity to fertilize Infertility: describes the animal that is neither normally fertile nor totally sterile Infertility: is ...

Quick Review on Veterinary Pharmacology

TERMINOLOGY Agonist: Drug that has affinity for receptor to and stimulates the receptor to action. Amnesia: Partial/complete loss of memory Anaphrodisiaces: decreased sexual desire Antizymotic: Agent that control fermentation Bioavailability: The percent of dose entering the systemic circulation after administration of a given dosage form. Biotransformation: It is the body’s ability to change a drug chemically forming the form in which it was administered in to a form that can eliminate from the body. Mostly occurs in liver induces by microsomal enzymes Carminatives: Agent that causes the expulsion of gas from intestine Conjugation: The addition of the glucoronic acid to the drug molecule...

Quick Review on Poultry Management

TERMINOLOGY Antibody: A protein molecule capable of combining specifically with an antigen. Antigen: A substance foreign to the host animal, commonly a disease agent or vaccine. Bantam - Mini version of the larger breeds, being approximately one quarter the size. Battery Hen - female bird housed in intensive egg production unit. Broiler - Young (normally eight weeks old) male or female birds weighing 3 to 3.5lbs (1.36kg - 1.59kgs) especially bred in huge quantities for the meat market. Broiler/Fryer: Birds up to 6-8 weeks of age of either sex kept for meat purpose Broody - female bird that ceases to lay and shows willingness to sit on eggs and rear offspring. Candle: to assess some intern...

Quick Review on Veterinary Microbiology

TERMINOLOGY A disinfectant: It is used to destroy micro-organisms off of any surface usually used in living tissue Aero tolerant anaerobes:  Ignore oxygen, grow equally well with or without An antiseptic: It is used to destroy micro-organisms off of the skin usually used on non-living things which are also much stronger and are too toxic to be used on living tissue Facultative anaerobes: grow with or without oxygen, grow better in oxygen (respire) Hygiene: Any regulation or remedy which is intended to produce beneficial effects by gradual operation Mesophyllic: optimum from 20-450C minimum around 15-200C (Most pathogenic) Microaerophiles: won't grow at normal atmospheric oxygen (20%), requ...

Showing 21 to 31 of 31 (2 Pages)

Warning: Unknown: Write failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in Unknown on line 0Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/var/cpanel/php/sessions/nf-php74) in Unknown on line 0