Webinar based HATCHERY MANAGEMENT TRAINING: For veterinarians

16-22 September, 2020
Introduction: Poultry farming is a rapidly growing agricultural industry in Nepal contributing 4 % to the NGDP. Total meat consumption per day in the country is 350 tons (NPF, 2018) and total egg consumption per day is 3.6 million (NEPA, 2020). Per capita consumption of chicken meat and egg is increasing every year. To meet the growing demand of poultry products, commercial poultry farming is growing at rapid pace. According to Nepal Poultry federation there are around 15 million total broiler populations in Nepal. The population of Commercial brown egg layers is 3.5 million (NEPA, 2018). As per a data published by Nepal Hatchery Industries Association (NHIA) in 2018, there are altogether 205 broiler breeder farms, 4-layer breeders and 12 broilers cum layer breeders’ farms in Nepal. Growing demand of commercial day-old chicks (DOCs) is fulfilled by hatchery operations maintained by the breeders. According to the first commercial poultry census published by the Government of Nepal (2014 – 2015 AD), there were altogether 128 hatcheries in Nepal. This number has gone up to 324 (NHIA, 2020) now.
Veterinarians have key role in supporting the hatchery operation via their consultancy services. Successful hatchery operation requires skilled and competent manpower including the veterinarian involved in it. Even a very small lapse in the technical issue of hatchery can cost lakhs of loss to the company in a single hatch day. So it is imperative to train fresh as well as practicing veterinarian about several aspects of hatchery management for smoother run of hatchery and to identify and correct any lapses if occurred in time.
Objectives: By realizing the need of advance level hatchery management training, webinar-based training will be conducted through national and international speaker. After the completion of training, the participants will have a good knowledge of hatchery operation from receiving of hatching eggs from breeder farm to hatch pull out and delivery of chicks to the customer. It is very important to care the hatching eggs, maintain hatchery bio-security and stick with the standard principles and parameters of incubation to ensure maximum hatchability from the hatching eggs. The objective of this training is to make the trainees well acquainted with these issues. Moreover, unknowingly hatchability may go down at any time even though when operated with due care. After this training, the veterinarians should be able to troubleshoot the most common technical lapses that decline hatchability (temperature, humidity, ventilation, turning, infertility, breeder nutrition etc.).
Methodology: This training is webinar based and will be conducted using Zoom application through national and international expert speaker. The online training will be conducted by Vet Nepal, an online global service portal from Nepal in partnership with different organization working in the poultry sector of Nepal. The training will be conducted from mid-September for a week. The resource person for the training will be renowned national and international veterinarians with years of experience in hatchery managements. The webinar will be chaired by the Mar Comm of Vet Nepal, Dr. Bibek Bandhu Regmi and moderated by the organizing secretory, Dr. Prakash Adhikari. The detail of the program schedule, topic to be cover and resource person is given in the link below.
Click here to view schedule: Program Schedule of webinar on Advance Hatchery Management Training for veterinarians
Conclusion: This training may help practicing vets and vet students of B.V.Sc.& A.H. to deal with the technical aspects of hatchery operation and thus improve the quality of consultancy services they provide to the hatchery industry of Nepal.
Beneficiaries: Veterinarians, Vet students, Hatchery entrepreneurs, Poultry Industry
Dr. Prakash Adhikari (+977-9845925903)
Webinar Organizing Secretory, Vet Nepal
Email: info.vetnepal@gmail.com, training@vetnepal.com, Website: www.vetnepal.com
Organizer In association with
Vet Nepal, an online global service portal from Nepal Nepal Hatchery Industries Association
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