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कोरोनाको पाठ सबल पशु स्वास्थ्य

कोरोना भाइरसको महामारीले राष्ट्रिय स्वास्थ्यसेवा प्रणाली हरबखत नयांँ चुनौतीको सामना गर्न तम्तयार रहनुपर्छ भन्ने यथार्थलाई फेरि प्रमाणित गरिदिएको छ । यो लेख लेख्दासम्म कोरोना भाइरसको संक्रमणका कारण विश्वभरि १,७७६ व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भैसकेको छ भने ७१,४४९ जना बिरामी परेका छन् । यसको अर्थ संक्रमितमध्ये २.४८ प्रतिशत मानिसको मृत्यु भइरहेको छ । अर्थात्, संक्रमित हरेक १०० जनामध्ये दुईदेखि तीन जनासम्मको मृत्यु हुन्छ भने ९७–९८ जना संक्रमितहरू निको हुन [...]

पशुपन्छी औषधि आयातमा देखिएका समस्या

भाग १ः व्यवसाय दर्ता तथा नविकरण    नेपालमा भारत वा तेश्रो मूलुकबाट पशुपन्छी औषधि आयात गर्ने उध्देश्यले स्थापित कुनै पनि कम्पनीले कम्तिमा ८ ठाउँमा दर्ता हुनुपर्छ। यो सूचि हेर्दा मात्रै जो कसैले पनि जिव्रो टोक्ने अवस्था देखिन्छ। यसैबाट व्यवसायीहरूले कति झन्झट व्यहोरिरहेका छन् भन्ने प्रष्ट हुन्छ। यी प्रत्येक स्थानमा दर्ता नविकरणका लागि व्यहोर्नुपर्ने झमेलाका अलग सूचि त झन कहालि लाग्दो छँदैछ। फेरि, एक पटक दर्ता गरेपछि सदा कालका [...]

Practices of Fish farming in Biofloc culture

Biofloc fish farming in South Asia is getting popular day by day. Originated in Indonesia, this technology entered South Asian countries through some fish farmers. It is an innovative and cost-effective technology in which toxic materials to the fish and shellfish such as Nitrate, Nitrite, and Ammonia can be converted to useful product i.e. proteinaceous feed. It is the technology used in aquaculture system with limited or zero water exchange [...]


Kadaknath farming is a very profitable agri-business. Both, Kadaknath Egg Production Business and Kadaknath Chicken Production Business are very good and low investment start-up. The breed is very popular in India. There is a tremendous development in the poultry industry in last few decades, but little attention has been paid for indigenous chicken, due to its poor producing ability. Total poultry population of India was estimated to be 1 [...]

अण्डाको बोक्राको गुणस्तरमा प्रभाव पार्ने कारक तत्वहरु

अण्डाको बोक्राको गुणस्तर कायम गर्न विभिन्न कारक तत्वहरुले प्राभाव पारेको हुन्छ । बोक्राको मोटोपना धेरै हदसम्म यो कुरामा निर्भर गर्दछ कि - अण्डा बन्ने प्रक्रियाको दौरानमा बोक्रा उत्पादन गर्ने ग्रन्थि भएको पाठेघरमा कति समय व्यतित गर्दछ र ग्रन्थिबाट क्याल्सियम प्रवाह कत्तिको हुन्छ । उक्त ठाउँमा कम समय व्यतित भएमा अण्डाको बोक्रा पातलो रहन्छ । त्यसैगरी दिनको उज्यालो समयमा जति छिटो अण्डा पारिएको हुन्छ अण्डाको बोक्राको मोटाई त्यति नै हुने गर्दछ । अण् [...]


Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and is often the major cation in the diet. Ninety nine percent of the body’s calcium is located in the skeleton and the remaining one percent is distributed throughout the extracellular and intracellular fluids. When there are bone or shell problems, calcium is the nutrient that is mostly considered, although in actual fact many hormones and minerals can influence bone and shell quality. [...]

नेपालको सन्दर्भमा अर्गानिक कुखुरापालन

अर्गानिक खाद्यपदार्थको कुनै ठोस र अकाट्य खालको परिभाषा छैन । खासगरी कृषिमा तीव्रगतिमा औद्योगीकरण हुन थालेपछि पहिलोपल्ट सन १९४० को दशकतिर परम्परागत खेती प्रणाली तथा प्राकृतिक कृषि र खाद्य पदार्थ उत्पादन प्रणालीको संरक्षणको वहस शुरु हुन थाल्यो जसलाइ अर्गानिक कृषिका शुरुवाती वहस मानिन्छ । कस्तो खाद्य पदार्थलाइ अर्गानिक मान्न भन्ने विषयमा संसारभरी विभिन्न देशहरुमा विविध मापदण्डहरु रहेका पाइन्छ । यद्यपी सामान्यतः स्रोत साधनहरुका पुन प्रयोग गर् [...]


  Eggshells are waste materials from hatcheries, homes and fast food industries and can be readily collected in plenty. Eggshell waste disposal contributes to environmental pollution. Challenges associated with disposal of eggshells include cost, availability of disposal sites, odour, flies and abrasiveness. However, they can be processed into saleable products like fertilizer, used in artwork, human and animal nutrition and building [...]

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus/ AIDS Of Cats !

Figure . Showing distribution of pet cat population in world  © What a greater gift than love of a cat ~ Charles Dickens. There are many of us who love cats more than a dog or any other pet. Their mewing and cuteness is absolute bliss. But like any other pet, cats too are prone to many serious diseases and require proper care and management by cat owner. If you too are from cat lover community, you may [...]


Poultry birds are one of the important livestock species of food animals as they produce valuable foods of animal origin like meat and eggs. But their production is readily affected by seasonal fluctuations as well as climatic adversities. In cold season, feed intake of birds increases in order to generate metabolic heat so as to keep them warm. Whereas, feed consumption decreases and water intake increases in the hot season in order to cool t [...]

Fowl cholera

Fowl cholera is a bacterial disease of birds caused by organism Pasteurella multocida, affecting birds of 6 weeks old and above. It is a serious and highly contagious disease which can range from acute septicemia to chronic and localized infections and the morbidity and mortality may be up to 100%. The disease gets transmitted via nasal exudates, feces, contaminated soil, equipment, and people. Clinical findings vary greatly depending on the c [...]

Aspergillosis/ Brooder’s Pneumonia

Aspergillosis/ Brooder’s Pneumonia Aspergillosis is the fungal disease caused by Aspergillus fumigatus in poultry birds. In wet and cold season due to the high humidity and insufficient sunlight, feed or litter dampens is common, thus creating a favorable environment for fungal growth in poultry environment. The spores of aspergillus are inhaled by birds and these spores subsequently develop into lesions filling the lungs, thus causing res [...]

Showing 61 to 72 of 200 (17 Pages)

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